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Samsara Weddings - Art Weddings, Designer, Curator

  /  Design   /  Samsara answers: How to decorate for an engagement by using only handcrafted items?

The question mentioned in the topic of this blog is currently one of the most commonly asked ones. And you can know the reason behind the commonality of this question by trying to recall the last engagement décor that you visited, done only using handcrafted items.

Found any?

To find an engagement décor done only using handcrafted items is rare, right?

Handcrafted items are special because they demand more effort not only on the design but also in its execution. If not made by skilled artists, they fail to deliver the charm that they are actually meant for in an engagement décor. Moreover, they are meant to be handled carefully.

So, Samsara was looking for long to take up the challenge of using only handcrafted items for engagement party décor in Ahmedabad. And finally, the team of Samsara got a chance to exhibit their skills in the engagement of Parth and Krishna conducted at the Hyatt Regency, Ahmedabad.

Invite décor

Every guest was welcomed with an invite present just before the entrance that had two unwrapped bouquets with handmade pink and beige colored rose flowers and leaves attached to the invite’s top-left and bottom-right.

Entrance décor

After encountering the invite with a collection of handmade flowers and leaves, before entering the banquet, the guests passed through the grandiloquently colorful entrance. Flowers and leaves of various colors are arranged in a sophisticated yet raw manner giving you a feel of entering something very eccentric. Flower pots and unique boxes were also present at the left and right of the entrance with some spotlight.

Stage wall décor

Unique strips of varying height in three different rows covered the wall from top to bottom making some crests and troughs designs at the end of each row. The first and the last row had yellow colored stripes, while the middle row consists of bluish shade stripes.

14 Circular Origamis starting from the left top of the wall extended to the right bottom gave the necessary highlight that the strips needed.

The Conclusion

The team of Samsara Weddings loves to experiment with various such concepts to make the occasions even more memorable than the thought of. Whether they are engagements or any other ritual related to weddings, Samsara tries to cater to its clients with a unique ideology. So, if you are looking for any eccentric engagement décor ideas, wedding décor ideas reach to Samsara and be assured to get it executed exactly how it is in your imaginations.

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